It is the intention that this be an interface that can be used day-to-day by researchers at MDIBL, but flexible enough to allow the easy incorporation of other data sets and be shared to other researchers and educators (and students) with minimal effort on the part of the end user.
The ideal student would have skills with linux, Go language, database and containers. This is a development project which relies heavily on the use of Python, HTML, and either Django or Flask to create RESTful interfaces to access & maintain the data stores. The right candidate will be comfortable with Python development & HTML/web technologies; experience working with Linux systems would also be useful. You should be willing to work independently to research and deploy technologies.
Practical applications
University of Maine, Augusta
Jewett Hall
Augusta, Maine. 04330
NE-University of Maine
Already behind3Start date is flexible
It is anticipated that several questions related to Go and/or containers will be generated and answered.
The student will gain familiarity and experience with full stack software development.
It is anticipated that at least one method for sharing big data sets will result.
This project will utilize existing CEPH storage at the University of Maine as well as one or more virtual machines to run the code and act as the web interface. HPC resources will be used in the processing of data, and as such some modest use is required for development.