1. step by step documentation of the project so a non CS expert can repeat and adapt the processes
1. simulation model and dependencies deployed in RPI HPC environment
2. Input datasets uploaded
3. workflow established for running 100s to 1000s of replication model runs
4. workflow established for analyzing model output in R statistical environment
Undergrad/ grad student with interest in facilitating scientific HPC.
Student must have exceptional written and oral communication skills, especially with scientists lacking CS expertise.
Experience with geospatial analysis in R on an HPC a plus.
Practical applications
Cary Institute
CR-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Already behind2Start date is flexible
3-6 months
This project will support an NSF funded project to PI Hansen to simulate boreal forests and fire in western North America. We anticipate 4-6 peer reviewed scientific publications from the project.
The student will learn how to deploy bespoke software and dependencies, how to manage large datasets that input to simulation models, and how to setup pipelines for the analysis of big data as outputs from the models. Such skillsets will be highly sought after at National Labs and other research centers that run global climate models and Earth System Models.
HPC resources have already been secured from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
This project submission was encouraged by RPI CCI Director Dr. Chris Carothers.